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Time Anambas:




If you're keen to see Green Turtles and Hawksbill Turtles come ashore to nest and lay their eggs, it's good to know that Anambas offers turtle-spotting excursions.

The aim of these trips is not only to educate but also to propagate the archipelago's conservation objectives when it comes to its environment and wildlife, both that exists below and above the waterline.

Please keep in mind that the idea of the turtle expeditions is to observe at a distance and to not disturb the females at all. Females startled by noise or the flash of cameras have been known to abort the nesting and egg-laying process.

It's important to note is that the eggs that didn't get laid that particular instance may subsequently not get laid at all. It is therefore imperative to remain as unobtrusive as possible when observing one of the female turtles coming ashore.

As the female turtles usually clamber ashore after dusk, typically around and after midnight, in most cases an overnight camp is required. In view of this, please ensure that you bring adequate drinks and snacks. Depending on the island in question, there may be a cottage in which to sleep. Alternatively, a tent can be arranged.

Your detailed email explanation is highly appreciated ! For me the first timer with whole family, that's really helpful ! Thanks !
-- Junying, Singapore --

What to Bring

A turtle excursion usually involves spending at least 24 hours on one of the turtle islands, so be sure that you bring along all the essentials. This includes sleeping gear, as well as sun screen and mosquito repellant.


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