As a result of its offshore location, the Anambas Archipelago is blessed with decent winds pretty much year-round, ideal for sailing activities such as kiteboarding and windsurfing, as well as foiling.
Whereas pleasant sea breezes tend to blow during the relative lulls between the two main monsoons, the northeast and the southwest monsoon seasons are characterized by stronger winds, generated by the perennial temperature difference between the landmasses of China to the north and Australia to the south.
The so-called intermonsoon spells occur from about October to December and from March to April. The more punchy trade-like monsoon winds tend to blow the rest of the year, so if you prefer powered-up conditions whilst sailing, including occasionally pretty impressive swell, then head for Anambas during either of these windier seasons.
One final thing to keep in mind is that just like in Singapore, the transition to the northeast monsoon tends to take place with a fair amount of wet weather. However, by January, the rains typically make way for fair and windy conditions. This weather profile will then prevail until March.
Anambas exploration was one of my best kite trips in recent years. -- Dmitry, Singapore -- |
During the northeast monsoon, November to March, wind surges from the northern South China Sea, barreling their way south, not only sweeping the sea water surface into oceanic swells, but gradually displacing the warmer moist summer air around the Anambas region.
Now, whilst the initial months of this monsoon, November and December, bring copious amounts of rain, once the atmosphere above Anambas has stabilized, it's primed for powered up windsurfing, foiling and/or kiting; northeast monsoon winds can get up to a cool and punchy 25 knots.