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Pulau Manda Riau

Pulau Manda Riau

Pulau Manda Riau

At a swift 30-minute speedboat ride away from Tarempa lies the picturesque island of Pulau Manda Riau. In fact, there are two Manda Riau islands, a larger one called Pulau Manda Riau Besar and the small Pulau Manda Riau, right next to it, which is called Pulau Manda Riau Kecil.

The two Manda Riaus are located in such a way that they enclose a natural lagoon that faces the southwest. The lagoon's crystal-clear azure-blue sandflats are both a sight for sore eyes and the ultimate water sports playground.

The lagoon offers a number of little "private" beaches, ideal for a day of basking in the sun, snorkeling, SUP and angling. On days the winds are from the southwest, the lagoon should be an ideal arena for sailing, given the Venturi effect created by the orientation of the two islands. Kite-boarders, windsurfers, foil-sailors and their kin, will know what I mean.

If you enjoy being immersed in nature, particularly if you're a bird-watcher, you'll love Manda Riau Besar, as it's home to quite a few exotic bird species, including a brightly-plumaged fruit dove.

Should you be on your way to explore Pulau Penjalin from Tarempa, then Manda Riau is an excellent point for a quick stop, before the final 10 clicks or so to Penjalin. Manda Riau's calm lagoon water, especially the bright coral patches, but superb beaches here and there as well, are altogether ideal for a couple of hours of fun in the sun.


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