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Airbnb Anambas

Airbnb Anambas

Airbnb Anambas

Have you always wanted to stay in a lovely wooden cabin right on the beach? With Airbnb, you can, here in exotic Anambas.

What can be better than falling asleep to the hypnotic sounds of the sea lapping up at the sand and the wind rustling through the coconut trees? What can be better than sipping a morning cup of home-made coffee, whilst taking in the sea view panorama from your little cabin paradise?

If you're interested in living in your own little home for a day, a weekend, a week, or even a month or longer, then fill out below form. I'll send you a number of Airbnb homes that are available right now, right here in beautiful Anambas, miles away from the busy mainland, miles away from prying eyes. Sheer tranquillity.

Airbnb Anambas is the ultimate in privacy, the ultimate in secluded relaxation.

Incidentally, if you want all of the above, but you prefer to rent your little home direct from a local, without Airbnb as a third party in between, then have a look at this.


Have an enquiry about Airbnb Anambas? Send it here...

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